Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sufi music master class during Fes Festival

Ali Alaoui, teacher of oriental percussions at Music'Halle, Toulouse, is organising a master class of rhythmic & polyrhythmic knowledge each day of the week from 2 to 9 June 2006 during the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music.

The master class is open to all levels of experience and involves complete immersion with the festival.

Students will see a presentation of traditional and sufi Moroccan style music and will discover the mystic rituals associated with the famous "sufies nights". Students will practice body rhythm and will learn many oriental and maghrebin instruments (def, tarija, derbouka, bendir...) associated to oriental and maghrebin rhythm and polyrhythm. Ali Alaoui will produce at the festival with ensemble Moultaqa Salam the 5th June.

Master Class languages : French, Maroccan, English
Price : 300 euros
See details at the association website :
Contact :
Tel : Gisele (master class communication)
00 33 (0)5 61 40 02 40
00 33 (0)6 89 77 45 35
Ali Alaoui (teacher) 00 33 (0)6 73 84 19 26


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