Thursday, May 11, 2006

Exciting new Fez website.

It is always exciting to discover a new website dedicated to the city of Fez. The latest addition is also one of the best and is certainly worth a visit if you have any interest in visiting Fez, or finding out about the intricacies of building, buying or renovating in Fez.

The authors of the site, Jenny Barnard and Jonathan Green, are young, funky and extremely competent. Their expertise has been hard won through the experience of purchasing and renovating their own dar (house).

For those interested in the debate between renovation and conservation will find Barnard and Green in the mid-range of the spectrum of that runs between purist conservation at one end to total renovation at the other. Their style of conservation-renovation is very much in keeping with the best techniques of preserving the heritage values of the Medina and is to be applauded.

Of special interest is their web diary describing the process of renovating their first house near the Talaa Sghira. (see it here: Renovation Blog)

Included on their site is a comprehensive amount of practical information right down to details of how to navigate the bureaucracy in order to install telephone and internet connections on the Medina. For anyone with a genuine desire to get involved in Fez other than as a casual tourist, this site is a must.

What if you hate renovation?

There are many people for whom spending the time and effort of renovating in Fez is either not practical or something they would not enjoy. Barnard and Green have arrived at a practical solution. Through them you can purchase a delightfully renovated house and save yourself the time, energy and hassle. What is special about this service is that the principals of conservation-renovation are applied to all their properties and so you can be assured that where possible the structure, interiors and fittings have been brought together with great care and attention.

You will find more information and contact details on their website:

Or email them:


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