Sunday, May 28, 2006

The View from Fez in Fez

Just a quick update - yes, you guessed it - still no internet. We begin to suspect that Maroc Telecom is a fantasy that we dreamed up. Do they exist? And what happened to the technician that was going to turn up several days ago? Does he or she exist? We doubt it. Maybe, when my computer complains about the lack of dial tone, it is true - maybe all the dial tones in Morocco have been used up and there is none to spare for us. It seems all we need is dial tone, so, if you have some spare dial tone, we would love you to email it to us.

Apart from that we have progress on the house and much fun with friends and Moroccan cats. More to follow - when the internet is allowed a little dial tone.



  1. One the bright side, for those of us who love your books ... you don't need the internet to write stories :)

    Meanwhile, I would be a sad little bunny without my internet connection.

  2. je viens de decouvrir qui est Samir en lisat cette rubrique;juste par hasard
    j en suis tres ravie

  3. oh the little kitty its wonderfull i find to have those creatures all around
