Friday, June 23, 2006

The Cats of Morocco

Recently, Cat in Rabat wrote a very funny post about cats in Rabat. Seeing she is such a dedicated feline-lover, The View From Fez, decided that the following information might be of interest to her.

Dear Cat,
An organisation on the internet is offering a complete databook of information on the growth of the "cat industry" in Morocco up until 2010. This databook is a detailed information resource covering all the key data points on Cat Care in Morocco. It includes comprehensive value volume segmentation and market share data. The databook supplies actual data to 2005 and full forecasts to 2010.


* Contains information on 4 categories: Cat Food, Cat Litter, Cat Toys, Cat treats & milk.
* Provides market value, volume, expenditure and consumption data by market, segment and subsegment.
* Includes company and brand share data by category, as well as distribution channel data.
* Contains market value segmentation by demographic and socioeconomic group.

The market for Cat Care in Morocco increased between 2000-2005, growing at an average annual rate of 9.8%.

The leading company in the market in 2005 was Royal Canin S.A.. The second-largest player was Nestle S.A. with Mars, Inc. in third place.

Why you should buy this report

* Discover the major quantitative trends affecting the Cat Care markets.
* Understand consumers' consumption and expenditure patterns.
* Understand the future direction of the market with reliable historical data and full five year forecasting.

It should be noted that the same organisation is offering the same information on cats in Poland, Russia, Estonia, Botswana and other well known cat loving nations. It will probably cost you a lot of money, but what is cost when cats are involved?



  1. salam
    very new to me this cat industry
    i rather need if there is a place here at fes or near who would like to take a cat
    its very hard to give it away but we need to he cant keep living in castration 5th floor all his life ith humains

    if you can help me please you got my mail
