Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Fear and loathing in the Medina!

The View from Fez has always known that some tourists find the old Medina of Fez rather daunting. If you have never been in a foreign country and suddenly you are plunged into the winding lanes of Fez, you could feel at least a little apprehensive.

However... yesterday evening I cam across a young English couple with fully developed Medina-phobia! They were standing outside the drycleaner's shop in the Place Batha with several huge bags and were looking at a map in the Lonely Planet Morocco book. Being a friendly type of person I approached them and asked them if they needed some help.

It turned out that they could not find the Riad they had booked. It was not one that I knew, so I asked a couple of local kids and they said they had told the English couple where it was, but they did not believe them.

I told the English couple that the kids could be trusted, but they refused to believe me.

"Okay," I said, "I will go and find the place and check it out then come and show you the way and give you a hand with your bags."

So, two minutes later, I found the riad and returned to the couple. To my amazement, they refused to believe me that the riad was just one short walk away.

The man shouted at me."No it's not!"
"Yes it is," I repeated quietly. "I will help you with your bags..."
"No!" screamed the Englishman. "Leave us alone. It is in the other direction!"

It was now dark and, as I watched, the Englishman headed off towards the Talaa K'bira, pulling his huge suitcase after him.

"Wrong way..." I started

"Fuck off!" he screamed.

"He is going in the wrong direction," I said to his poor embarrassed wife.

"He's lost,' she said, and reluctantly stumbled after him.

He certainly was - and about to become more so.

Turning to the two kids who had tried to help, I thanked them for attempting to be kind to the tourists.

"They are crazy," one of the boys said.
"And very rude," I added.
"And now they are lost." The boys smiled and shrugged.

I thanked them again and gave them a couple of dirhams.

Note to the English couple:

I hope you enjoy your stay in Fez, and that you found your riad. When it dawns on you how rude you were, I hope you feel at least a little shame. Maybe next time your travel, go to the USA - at least there the dangers are real.

Oh - and by the way - you owe me a couple of dirhams.



  1. hilarious story! you'll get your money when you sell their kidneys or some other vital organ, or god forbid sell them into white slavery!

  2. How sad! The problem is that Lonely Planet gives the impresion that everyone is Fez is a faux guide. That doesn't excuse their rudeness though. If it makes you feel any better, during my first trip to Fez I had young boys scream "fuck off" to me because I wouldn't give them money ... it's the phrase that makes the world go around.
