Sunday, June 18, 2006

Moroccan cannabis eradication continues.

The online Morocco Times reports that action continues in Morocco's Northern provinces to combat cannabis cultivation. After the successful campaign launched last year in the Province of Taounate, the 2006 phase has started this month in the same area.

The action started on June 5 and will continue until June 30. It concerns different communes of the areas of Taounate and adjacent Rhafsai, said a Province of Taounate statement.

Like last year, the 2006 campaign is based on three main axis: eradicating cannabis in all targeted areas, judicially pursuing those who continue cultivating and marketing the plant, and providing the populations with alternative economic activities.

This phase was preceded by a series of awareness campaigns which started in January 2006, using loudspeakers and distributing leaflets in mosques, popular markets, schools, and other public places.

The full story: Morocco Times


1 comment:

  1. Don't surrender to the United States of America!

    Back in the 30's, they have decided that cannabis should be eradicated from the whole world simply because it is too dangerous for oil, pharmaceutic and cotton industry!

    Cannabis has been grown by mankind for thousands of years and has never given us so many problems.

    Yes, it's true that it can be used as a drug, but as everyone in the world knows (except US-government paid scientists) it is one of the less dangerous drugs known to man.

    It's faaar less dangerous than alchol, nevertheless they freely sell alcholic drinks in the USA but when it comes to cannabis they want it to be eradicated not only in their own country but everywhere in the world!!!

    The only sure result of their silly "war on drugs" is that million of people have been sent to jail for nothing... For having grown a hemp plant.

    Now it could be the turn of YOUR country, too. Say "NO!" to the "war on cannabis": it can be such a useful plant that it's plainly idiotic thinking of eradicating it only to protect U.S. interests!

