Friday, June 16, 2006

The View from Fez - workplace chaos!

The latest office water cooler

We thought you might appreciate a behind the scenes look inside the View from Fez office. It is not your usual layout of editorial, pictorial and management. Instead we have a more egalitarian setup. The photograph (above) shows several of trainee-journalists installing the staff water cooler.

The picture (below) shows the excitement when staff discover that the Night Editor has been found. Missing for several days, he was discovered behind a false wall. His safe return was cause for much cheering and drinking of mint tea.

Night Editor rescued!

The staff canteen is small but much appreciated. The fact that we only have two chairs does mean staff must queue for lunch and the picturesque open-air setting does much to relieve workplace stress.

The canteen awaits the journalists

The View from Fez likes to boast that we have the latest in hi-tech office equipment and to back this up we can show you (pictured below) the installation of cables carrying information from one office to the other. We also intend to install electricity in the near future.

Hi-tech computer cables

In our front office our latest recruit happily sits peddling the generator to run her laptop. Mrs Rachid-Gabrielebitz is our trainee receptionist and tea lady.

Mrs Rachid Gabrielebitz

Very aware of workplace health issues, we have installed a fitness centre where the staff and managers can share time together keeping fit. It also provides a wonderful chance for the staff to mingle with their bosses in an informal atmosphere.

The Editor inspects the staff fitness centre



  1. There seems to be some correlation between the Aussie idiom of a "cut snake" and you Samir.... Can I have some of the non/pharmaceuticals that you are obviously taking??? Please pack in aromatics to hide from the infidels drug sniffing dogs....

    You know who I am...

    BTW.... you have made a spelling error in you post. What the hell is releave??? Is it the season replacement of the leaves on the tree, or the repetitve arrival and departure of one's workmates???

    You may call me: The Spelling Fascist...


    A reactionary or dictatorial person.

  2. And did you find the spelling error??? Here is an "i" for you to insert where and how you desire.

    Dictitorial educator...

  3. Messy but seems like an eviable office atmosphere ... kind of all together in the trenches.

    Good luck with it.
