Saturday, July 15, 2006

3G Phone Technology for Morocco

Telecommunications are moving at a fast pace in Morocco. Back in April, ANRT (Agence Nationale de Reglementation des Telecommunications) invited telecoms to tender for the setup and running of Morocco's state telecoms networks using 3G technology.

According to reports on Friday, four telecommunications operators were bidding for three third-generation (3G) mobile phone licenses it is offering for sale as part of a drive to liberalise the telecoms sector.

ANRT named the bidders as Maroc Telecom, local Maroc Connect, Meditel, a joint venture between Spain's Telefonica and Portugal Telecom and Nejma Telecom Maroc, a subsidiary of Kuwait mobile firm Wataniya.

"The presence of the four operators in the tender process showed the interest and the potential of the Moroccan telecoms market," ANRT said in a statement, adding that the winners of the licences will be named as soon as possible, but gave no precise date.

The offers will be assessed on the basis of the bidder commitments on infrastructure, cover, service quality, diversification and cohesion of the offer. The tender process aims at awarding a maximum of three licences, with a price of 360 million Moroccan Dirhams ($41.23 million) each.

Morocco, where more than 40 percent of the 30 million population own a mobile phone, has three telecoms operators - Maroc Telecom, Maroc Connect and Meditel.


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