Sunday, July 23, 2006

The View From Fez - renovations

Regular readers will have noticed that the pace of our reporting has slowed in the last two weeks. We are sorry for this, but we are undergoing major renovations and had to evacuate the main office as falling stonework and crashing beams tend to distract from writing and large stones do jam the keyboard a little.

We will be back at full speed in a couple of weeks.

Just so you understand our situation here is a picture of our staff, hard at work preparing the new office.



  1. Wishing you all the best and good luck!

  2. Samir, Speaking of renovation, check out today's New York Times "The Crumbling of the Casbah" on the deterioration of the Casbah in Algiers. Sadly, it sounds as though it may have gone too far to be retrieved.

  3. Keep up the good work dear friends.
    I am really impressed by your work .

    Best Regards, Larbi

  4. Out of all that rubble will emerge something of great beauty. Keep up the good work!!


  5. Good luck ... I've been off and out elsewhere and only just settling down now.
