Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Australian delegation visits Morocco.

Australian MP Warren Entsch

This week a visiting Australian delegation met a number of Moroccan parliamentarians and officials to discuss issues of common interest, mainly cooperation in hydraulic resources, terrorism and energy.

“Morocco and Australia both have to face the challenge of hydraulic resources management and preservation, which makes both countries ready to intensify cooperation in this field, notably in terms of new technologies,” said Australian Member of Parliament, Warren Entsch, head of the Australian delegation.

Concerning the fight against terrorism, the Australian officials underlined that the efforts made by Morocco in this respect need to be supported.

During the meeting with the Moroccan parliamentarians, the Australian deputies, including Liberal and Labour MPs, were briefed on the main reform and development workshops and projects undertaken in the Kingdom, mainly the National Initiative of Human Development (INDH) and the process of Equity and Reconciliation.

They were also informed about the recent developments in the Sahara issue, in the light of the autonomy project to be presented soon to the UN.

On this occasion, Entsch officially invited some Moroccan parliamentarians to pay a visit to Australia.

Earlier in the day, the Australian delegation met with the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Boutaleb.

Reviewing Morocco's investment potentials, both parties examined the possibility of cooperation in energy and mines, given Australia's long experience in the field.

During their visit, which last until September 1, the Australian parliamentary delegation will also meet other government officials and visit a number of economic projects and workshops.


1 comment:

  1. I hope this is a moroccan initiative after last year's australian parliamatarians being under intensive and continued lobbying from Polisario's australian delegation...
