Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bodies of 28 sub-Saharans discovered in southern Morocco

Moroccan authorities on Tuesday found bodies of 28 sub-Saharan illegal immigrants, who drowned when their dinghies sank off the Moroccan coast. The bodies washed up to the shores of the locality of Daoura, 40km north of the southern city of Laâyoune, according to local authorities.

The illegal immigrants were sailing toward the Canary Islands from the Moroccan Atlantic shores, said the same source, noting that research operations are still underway to find the other passengers.

During a combing operation in this area, some 49 sub-Saharan illegal immigrants were also arrested. They are from Mali (12), Guinea Conakry (1), Côte d’Ivoire (12), Senegal (21), Ghana (2), and Burkina-Faso (1).

In early July, Moroccan authorities found, in the coastal village of Foum El Oued (21km east of Laâyoune), bodies of 26 sub-Saharan illegal immigrants, who drowned when their dinghy sank off the Moroccan coasts.


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