Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The cartoonist's view of the crisis in Lebanon

Cartoonists, both on-line and in the print media, have contributed to the condemnation felt around the world. This is the view from one Moroccan source. While many might not agree with the sentiments expressed, it is important to understand that this is the way the conflict is viewed by even the most moderate Moroccans.

The View from Fez would like to thank the Morocco Times where these images were first published.



  1. Nice cartoons and very transparent!

  2. nah, i don't think uncle sam is holding the lebanese guy, i think uncle sam would just be standing there watching.

  3. This is symptomatic of the way Israel is viewed, so we should expect this kind of cartoon. It is interesting in Britain where a poll has just shown about 80% of people are against the Israeli attacks and only 16% support them. Not that they like Hizbollah, but the condemn the over-reaction by Israel and the targetting of civilians. Thanks for your well balanced blog and comments.
