Friday, August 18, 2006

Moroccan Foreign Minister criticises Arab media

Arab world media has failed to convey the Arab message on disasters befalling the region, according to the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Mohamed Benaissa.

The Arab world has failed to use the media, in spite of the technology it possesses, to send its message regarding the disasters that devastate the region, particularly the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and Palestine, he said, speaking at a conference held in Assilah on Thursday to debate issues on "the Media in the Arab World and Communication with the Other". The conference was part of the 21st session of Al Moatamid Ibn Abbad Summer University and the 28th International Cultural Festival of this north-west sea-side town of Morocco.

Benaissa stressed the role of the elite and communication experts in helping spread the Arab message about relevant issues to the world, asking what are the best means for Arabs to communicate with "the other" to convey the modernization dynamic in the region.

The communication problem is getting sharper in the Arab world at a time when political, security and existential issues are becoming problematic in its relations with the Western world, Benaissa said, noting however that the situation of the media has greatly improved in the region.

He added that in Morocco huge progress has been made regarding press freedom, stressing that the stake is to separate information from comment in line with the principle « information is sacred and comment is free ».

For his part Abdelwahab Badrakhan, assistant editor-in-chief of the " Al-Hayat " newspaper, said the Arab media have in the context of the current political changes to establish dialog with non Arab interlocutors, “with whom understanding, tolerance and change have to be sought.”

Wadah Khanfar, Director General of the Qatari " Al-Jazeera " tv channel, said "...there is an actual crisis within the Arab media regarding relations with authorities and the public.”

Authorities have to regard the media as a means to preserve society and help the public to better understand political facts and form its own opinions, he went on to say, adding Arab States should support press bodies, without interference to preserve their credibility.


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