Friday, August 04, 2006

Moroccan Jews: Peretz a ‘war criminal’

Three Moroccan Jews in have asked a Moroccan court to charge Israel’s defense minister with war crimes.

The three Jews, all known as leading leftists in Morocco, said Amir Peretz, Israel’s Moroccan-born defense minister, is still subject to Moroccan law.

“The criminal terrorist, the Zionist Amir Peretz, kept his Moroccan citizenship and still appears on the Moroccan population registry,” Avraham Sarfaty, Amran al-Maliah and Tzio Asidon said at a news conference on Tuesday in Rabat, according to Itim, an Israeli news agency.

They want the court to issue a warrant that would be valid in other nations

In other news, it was announced that Morocco will dispatch a group of volunteer doctors, chemists and nurses to Lebanon, which is being victim of Israeli aggression.

Speaking at a press conference, here on Thursday, the President of the Regional Council of the Northern region Chemists, Dr. Mohamed Laghdaf Raouti, said the Moroccan volunteers will provide, besides their Lebanese peers, medicines and medical treatment and checkup to the aggression victims.

Including various specialists, the group will provide support to the victims for two weeks, then another group will carry on this humanitarian mission.

This initiative reflects the solidarity of the Moroccan people that "denounce the aggressions against the Arab peoples," noted Raouti, calling upon the whole health sector professionals in Morocco and the Arab-Muslim world to join this initiative.

Moroccan political parties and NGOs have condemned the Israeli aggression in Lebanon and Palestine and called for support for the two peoples in this crisis. Morocco has sent to Lebanon over 18 tons of pharmaceutical products and 16 tons of dried milk for an amount of USD 680,000.

In parallel to these aids, the kingdom endeavors to evacuate Moroccan and African nationals from Lebanon to Damascus. 394 Moroccans and 80 Africans were repatriated on July 26 from Lebanon under the auspices of the Moroccan embassy.


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