Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Spanish & Moroccan intellectuals seek common future

Some of the best brains in Spain and Morocco will get together between the 28th and 30th of August to discuss ways of bringing the two countries closer togethet. The conference called Spain and Morocco: 50 years of Co-operation. Dialogues for the Construction of a Common Future is being organised by the Hispano-Lusophone Studies Institute of Mohammed V University in Rabat in collaboration with Menéndez Pelayo University in Santander The conference, which will mark the 50th anniversary of Morocco's independencewill be held in Santander in Spain.

Politicians, experts, writers and journalists from the two countries will discuss issues related to different aspects of bilateral relations. Roundtables on Thought and History at the Crossroads, and Women from the Two Shores, a Common Task, are also envisaged in the programme.


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