Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Double murder in Rabat.

The ex-pat community in Morocco is in shock after an Italian working for the European Commission in Morocco and his Belgian wife were killed - apparently by robbers - at their villa in Rabat. The couple's four children were in the house at the time but were not harmed

The attack happened on Sunday night in Hay Riad, a residential area of the Moroccan capital, Italian media said.

European Commissioner for External Relations and Neighborhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner said that according to the first information made available by the Moroccan police, the killing was followed by theft. The couple were Alessandro Missir di Lusignano,(pictured below) an Italian official posted in the Commission delegation in Morocco, and his wife, Ms Arianne Lagasse de Locht.

"We are profoundly shocked by this horrific attack and express our condolences to the four children of the victims, their families and friends," she said.

Ferrero-Waldner said that the Moroccan authorities have expressed their deepest regrets and have ensured the Commission Delegation of their full support and cooperation in the investigation.

They both worked in the Delegation of the European Union in Rabat.

Security services said that the victims' car and other objects have disappeared.


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