Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hassan II Prize for Manuscripts and Documents

If you happen to have any ancient Moroccan manuscripts, this is the time to bring them forward. The Moroccan Ministry of Culture has just announced the launching of the 32nd Hassan II Prize for Manuscripts and Documents.

The aim of the prize is to collect rare items, books and other manuscripts having a historical, scientific and cultural value.

In a communiqué, the Ministry of Culture invited people holding these documents, kept in private libraries, to deposit them before the end of October. These manuscripts and documents can be of various types: paper, papyrus and plates.

The documents and archives should be deposited in one of the seven centres entrusted with the organisation of the prize. They can be found in the Delegations of the Ministry of Culture in Tetouan, Oujda, Fes, Rabat, Marrakech, Agadir and Laâyoune.


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