Thursday, September 14, 2006

New novel features Fez!

As the observant reader will have noticed, our editor in chief, Samir (Sandy McCutcheon), is away in Australia. This Saturday he launches his latest novel, The Cobbler's Apprentice. Readers of The View from Fez can purchase a first edition copy by clicking on the link in the side bar or using this link - Bookshop.

The novel will be of interest to people who are fascinated by the old medina of Fez as part of the action takes place here. As the Australian newspaper article recently said: "Author Sandy McCutcheon is one of a few mass market Australian novelists to have tackled terrorism. His recent thriller Black Widow looks at the aftermath of the 2004 Beslan siege, while his latest, The Cobbler's Apprentice, published this month, follows a terror suspect who leaves Guantanamo Bay and becomes an agent of mass destruction."

From the book's jacket:

The Cobbler's Apprentice
Sandy McCutcheon

When Samir Al-Hassani does the impossible, and escapes from Guantanamo Bay, a chain of events is set off that is to lead to terror and bloodshed around the world. Sami, a young Palestinian who had been caught in Iraq, thinks he has been helped by fellow jihadis, but the CIA and Mossad are pulling his strings. Or are they?

Sami is being set up, in more ways than one. He has embarked on a journey into the bewildering heartland of terrorism and counter-terrorism, where betrayal and deceit go hand-in-hand with honour and duty. While Washington engages in murky power politics, Sami’s body and soul are sorely tested in the back streets of Morocco. When he emerges with a master and a mission, the stage is set for a hair-raising development: Sami is about to become a biological weapon of mass destruction, targeted at the very people who released him.

The Cobbler’s Apprentice is an international thriller that launches the reader into an all-too-believable world of tomorrow’s headlines.


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