Monday, September 25, 2006

Who is visiting Morocco?

Walk around the Medina of Fez at the moment and you can not help noticing the large numbers of tourists who have chosen Ramadan as a good time to visit. The general impression is that the majority are French nationals, but according to the latest figures it is the British who have topped the list of visitors.

According to figures released by National Tourism Observatory, up to July, overall tourism receipts in hard currency have topped 3.09 billion US dollars. That is an increase of increase of 29% compared to the same period of last year. During this period, the travel receipts and expenses balance totaled a 32% increase, while bed-nights in tourism ranked institutions have registered a 6% growth, with 9,296,661 arrivals.

Guest nights in some major destinations such as Agadir, south (+11%), Marrakech, center (+3%), Casablanca (+11%) and Tangier (+4%) scored an appreciable growth.

British citizens topped the list of tourists visiting Morocco with 40% of visitors followed by Italians (+15%), Belgians (+13%), Spaniards (+11%), and Germans (+8%).


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