Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Harley Davidson Rally arrives in Morocco

There are many ways to see Morocco and at this time of the year with Ramadan over and the mild weather arriving, a motorbike would take a lot of beating. Last year a group of 86 Harley riders from Spain toured the country. This year it is the turn of the riders in the 13th edition of the Harley Davidson race in Morocco and the Lyon-Dakar rally. The 18-day rally, started in the French town of Lyon on October 20 with a 900.000 Euro budget.

After riding from Tangier to Meknès on Monday the tour continues through the towns of Beni Mellal, Marrakech, Tiznit, Tan Tan, Dakhla and Laâyoune. Participants in the race come from Germany, Belgium, Canada, France, Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland.

The competition, sponsored by the "Difa" operator and the "têtes dans les étoiles" association, were welcomed yesterday at the Sahrij Souani historical and tourist site by the town's authorities. The Meknes program of the bikers and racers includes visits to the historical and tourist sites and monuments of the town.

The tour which is to help promote Moroccan tourism will leave Morocco and head for the Senegalese capital city through the Moroccan Sahara and Mauritania.


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