Moroccan News Briefs published in The View From Fez draw on open source material, contributions from readers, as well as material from Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP), Morocco Times and official Moroccan Government press releases.
Six killed in floods western Morocco
Six people were killed, on Wednesday, due to a river flood in the region of Safi (Atlantic coast), local sources reported Friday.
According to the same source, the people, who were siblings, died after the cab they were riding was swept by a flood on the so-called Ghshioua river, 50 Km southern Safi, while the driver is reported missing.
The combined efforts of local authorities, inhabitants and the rescue services made it possible to recover the bodies, certain of which have been carried over ten kilometers away.
As The View from Fez reported on Wednesday, four people were killed and two more are missing, following the torrential rains that hit the neighboring province of Essaouira.
Moroccan carrier to fly Brussels-Marrakech twice weekly.
The Moroccan « Royal Air Maroc » carrier is flying as of the end of March 2007 two weekly flights to link Brussels and Marrakech in partnership with Atlas Blue airliner, said Ahmed Benrbia, RAM representative to Benelux.
RAM is increasing its flights to Benelux countries to service the Moroccan community, tourists and businessmen in these European countries, said Benrbia adding his company is also reinforcing African destinations.
Benrbia told the Moroccan News Agency of the RAM projects on the dedication day of the new RAM office in Brussels, operational since July.
The RAM run Brussels-Casablanca air line is expected to fly 200,000 passengers by the end of 2006, with a monthly average of 18,000 customers, according to figures given to MAP.
The Brussels-Casablanca line operates six flights in average daily, including code share flights with the Belgian SN Brussels company. RAM services 10 weekly flight on the line and is contemplating to up its flights to 12 as of November.
The line also services additional flights in peak periods.
Benrbia affirmed RAM has been ready for the open sky system "for the past ten years" through the development of the Casablanca hub and the improvement of services and security in line with international standards.
Tags: Morocco Fes, Maghreb news
Eii passando pra conhecer seu blog, e me encantei, estou fuçando todo por aqui.(rs)
ReplyDeleteDeve ser muito diferente morar em um país tão longe de nossa terrinha , costumes tudo diferente ne, tenho muita curiosidade.
Ofereço a vc o award Blog perola da net do lua em poemas com muito carinho e convido a participar de meus destaques.
Ops.. vc que esta tão longe de nosso pais venha matar as saudades com o meu trem mineiro uai sô...
Bjs e um ótimo final de semana.
thanks so much for the blog