Monday, October 02, 2006

Morocco to host international Rolls Royce show

It will be one of the strangest sites seen in Morocco for a long time. Imagine a convoy of Bentley and Rolls Royce cars - each probably valued at more than an average Moroccan can earn in a lifetime - travelling from Tangier and on through the cities of Boufakrane, Blessed-Mellal, Bin El Ouidane, Marrakech, Tizinit, Taroudant, Agadir, Essaouira, Oualidia, El Jadida, Casablanca and Rabat.

According to organisers, owners of the cars from Britain, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland will attend "Morocco Extravaganza". The first international Rolls Royce and Bentley auto show will be held in Morocco from October 25th to November 6th.

Organisers said the 600,000-euro show "has no commercial goal for the Rolls Royce brand, but is mainly aimed at promoting the image of Morocco".


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