Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Riad Zany - farewells Zany!

Zany (Suzanna Clarke) flanked by Sanae and Karima

Last night was a big night at Riad Zany with both a birthday party and a farewell to Zany who is returning to Australia for a few months.

Riad Zany courtyard

Guests arrived into a courtyard that had undergone a magical transformation from looking like a construction site to an enchanted space in only a few short weeks. The lights in the fountain cast shimmering reflections on the soft creamy walls and the Moroccan wall lights added a wonderfully romantic feeling beneath the tall citrus trees.

Guests in one of the salons

To have the riad restored to this point in the months since the beginning of June when work commenced has been an extraordinary achievement by the craftsmen and workers. Their dedication to the project has been superb and the final result a testimony to their skills. As architect Rachid Haloui observed, "Very few restorations in the Medina manage to produce a result which so faithfully retains the spirit of such an ancient building."

Mouaniss, Dominic and Karima chat over dinner
Guests last night included several of the Medina's web and blog identities - Helen Ranger from Fez Riads, David Amster owner of Dar Bennis and author of the informative website House in Fez, Louis Mcintosh who featured on the View from Fez recently and blogs about his restoration experiences on the Louis-fes Blog and Jenny and Jon from Fez Restoration Blog.

Karima and Diane teach Louis to dance Moroccan-style
Fassi locals including Mouaniss from the Riad Zany team, Karima, Sanae and her sister also attended. Australian Josephine, the English contingent Dominic and William and American Diane all found their way through the winding streets to Riad Zany to farewell Zany.

For a while everyone talked about the various restoration projects around Fez and then after a delicious meal and refreshments the music was turned up and... well.. after all the talk of restoration one is allowed to get a little silly...

Louis goes on a chip and chocolate binge

David demonstrates the technique he has been teaching French tourists (pictured above) who want to photograph the architecture of the Fez Medina

Sad as it is to say farewell to Zany, the good news is she will soon be back bringing her considerable energy and skills with her. During her six months in Fez she has not only masterminded the restoration and interior design of the riad, but found time to write a book, undertake several professional assignments including photographing newly renovated properties such as Riad Laaroussa and Dar Settash and record life in the Medina in stunning images. Her photographic work on the Fes Sacred Music Festival was very well received and several of her images were used on the recent Fes Festival tour in the USA.

Photographs: Sandy McCutcheon



  1. The place looks fantastic, when I briefly visited in July it resembled a building site. Well done, hope to drop in in mid December when Louis and me are hoping to bag a turkey in the medina for some Xmas cheer. Or should that be early Eid cheer?

  2. Hello to evryone there
    wish to evryone all happeniss and success, i am new in this blog.
    what attracted me to it ,is that i am from the medina of fez, now i am living here in australia, and i know how fabulous a Riad in fez mean, we used to called its the heart of fez and some use to call its the pearls of fez, and for me cause i was lived fot a whole in a Riad in SABAE LOYATE,i prefert to call this places PARTS FROM THE PARDISE.
    thank you sooo much SUZANNA CLARKE for your book A HOUSE IN FEZ..reallly it remined me by many memories.
    thanx again and wish all succes to you and your hasbned sandy. and all succes to Riad Zany.

    SAID living in australia

  3. Love your book! It really brings home to me the Morocco I have fallen in love with. Unfortunately I am not able to live there (I would LOVE to do so!)... but I did marry my Moroccan sweetheart in Agadir LOL. I check your blog regularly, and I also have a blog at http://thenewfoodie.vox.com which highlights Moroccan culture and cuisine!

  4. hi- my name is romana--from new delhi-india.have read your delightful book--riad in fez.and have felt all your problems all the ups and downs,like i was constructing my own house.i have always been fascinated by morocco and this feb 26th hope to be in morocco.will be travelling with a group of ladies--the wow club-women on wanderlust! we hope to be in fez too.if time and itinerary permit will it be possible to meet? i hope to hear from you --thanks. romana

  5. Hello Zany,

    I never knew who was behind this blog until I bought your book which I am halfway into and absolutely love. I have been to Fez and a number of other cities in Morocco. The transformation of your Riad is spectacular, what a gorgeous and welcoming place.

    I know you are busy, but if you have a moment to respond, my husband and I are planning a trip to Essaouira for the Festival Gnaoua this year. I have been to Essaouira before but it has been 10 years and his first time. Any recommendations on lodging that is inexpensive and has character?

    Many thanks!


  6. Dear Zany

    My name is Kitty Snyman and I am in Cape Town, South Africa. I have just read and thoroughly enjoyed your book. I am taking a small group of 16 people to Fez in April 2018 with one of our own celebrated South African authors who lives in France. Would it be at all possible to visit your Riad. I am not sure whether you have any activities on in the Riad in April.

  7. Hi Kitty,
    Thank you for your message. Unfortunately we have no way to reply to you.
    Please email us directly at theviewfromfez@gmail.com
    Kind regards,
