Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Literary tour of Morocco.

As regular readers of The View from Fez will have guessed, two of our crew make a living as novelists and so you can imagine the pleasure with which we received the news that between 23 March - 8 April, there is to be a literary tour of Morocco. What is extraordinary is that the literary buffs are not nipping over from Spain, England or France. They are coming all the way from Australia.

Details are sketchy at this stage, but we understand there will be a writing workshop held in Fez as well as a literary exploration of Tangier. The tour will include meetings with Moroccan writers as well as the small number of ex-pat authors living here, including our own Samir and Zany. Samir, who is the author of ten novels and a host of plays, will be giving a workshop in Fez about "Writing Morocco". Incidentally Zany's next book is about Fez and published by Penguin in September.

We will fill in the details as the information comes to hand and keep you posted. If you are published writer working in Morocco, get in touch with us and we will see if it is possible to organise an event of some sort.

Talking of writers - Blogger and emerging author, Laila Lalami, whose first work of fiction is the wonderful, Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, was born and raised in Morocco and now is back in the country on Fulbright Fellowship. Rather cheekily she headed her new blog: with a post: The View from Casablanca. We were flattered Laila.

Away from the world of fiction, Loubna Hanna Skalli recently published Through a Local Prism: Gender, Globalisation and Identity in Moroccan Women's Magazines. It discusses the gender, poverty and the effects of globalisation on Arab and Muslim societies.


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