Monday, December 29, 2008

Human rights on the agenda

Morocco intends to make respect for human rights a central part of governmental policy, Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa told the Human Rights Advisory Council in Rabat.

Sarah Touahri reports on that the meeting, held on December 23, was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Benmoussa outlined the 2008-2012 action plan and assessed Morocco's progress in safeguarding public interests and personal rights.

"There can be no development without democracy and no democracy without respect for human rights," he said, adding that further measures are on the way.

While admitting that the forces of law and order may sometimes overstep their mark, the Interior Minister said Morocco's new five-year plan to balance public safety and personal freedoms was off to a good start.

Benmoussa said that measures have been taken to train new officers at the Royal Institute for Local Administration in communication techniques, good governance and human rights policies. And a committee to oversee the role of ethics and human resources development has also been put in place. Action will be taken against officials who fail to perform their duties.


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