Sunday, February 01, 2009

Fez - number one romantic getaway!

Top 10 romantic getaways? Yes, of course it happens every year as travel editors search for a story and go "thank goodness, Valentines day... a top 10 list." Travel editors are creative like that. So, it was no surprise when Travel+Leisure Mag sent us their list. With Valentine’s Day only two weeks away, you might want to jot down Travel+Leisure magazine’s top 10 romantic destinations for future reference. Some of these places will take your breath away... ( or so they say!)

Fez - #1 for a romantic getaway.

1. Fez, Morocco

2. New York City

3. Whidbey Island, Wash.

4. Napa Valley, Calif.

5. Chassignolles, France

6. Telluride, Colo.

7. Savannah, Ga.

8. Granada, Spain

9. Vico Equense, Italy

10. Bora Bora

— Travel + Leisure magazine


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