Friday, February 06, 2009

Moroccan Writers Awards

The prize giving ceremony for the 2008 book awards is scheduled to take place on February 12 in Casablanca at the opening ceremony of the International Book Fair.

Human and social sciences prize went equally to Mohamed Rabitat Eddine for his book "Marrakech au temps du règne Almohade" (Marrakech during the reign of Almohades) and Mohamed Belboul for his book "La structure du mot dans la langue arabe, représentations et principes" (word structure in Arabic, representations and principles).

In the category of literary studies, the prize was awarded to Ahmed Tribak for his book "Le discours soufi dans la littérature marocaine à l'époque du Sultan Moulay Ismaïl" (the Sufi discourse in Moroccan literature during the reign of Sultan Moulay Ismaïl).

Mohamed Azeddine Tazi and Ahmed El Madini equally won the narration and storytelling prize for their books "Abniat al Faraghe" (buildings of vacuum) and "kharif wa qissason oukhra" (autumn and other stories) respectively.

The poetry prize was awarded to Latifa El Meskini for her collection "hanajiroha amiae" (blind throats), while Farid Zahi won the translation prize for the book "Assihr wa-dine" (magic and religion), an Arabic translation of the French book "Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du nord" by Edmond Doutté.


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