Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fez Festival of Sufi Culture 2009

Time for a reminder about this year's Festival of Sufi Culture 2009.  This exciting event takes place from the 18th to 25th of April. Here is what  festival director Faouzi Skali has to say about the event. 

"The program this year is a journey throughout various Sufis Cultures. Every day will allow us to discover one country more particularly, with its spiritual observances, its native spiritual leaders, the sayings that have nourished its history, the arts and the culture that express its profound essence. Thus we’ll travel through Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Syria, France, Turkey, African Countries, Spain…

In the mornings, round tables will debate on the best connection that is to be found today between spiritual values and life in society or on a larger scale, between spiritual values and globalisation In order to do so, important people in various fields such as culture, spirituality, religion, politics, civil society, business, are invited to debate on how it could be possible to instil a “soul into globalisation”. These meetings provide with an opportunity to discuss the “common goods of our humanity” whether they are issued from spiritual values or from the necessity to explore new paths in order to face the challenges of our times, such as social exclusions, extremisms, energy or food crisis, and also the present urge to find new models of development able to protect environment.

Famous thinkers such as Assïa Alaoui, Benjamin Barber, Dominique Voynet, Driss Al Yazami, Edgar Morin, Katherine Marshall, Marie Arena (Minister of large cities in Belgium), Mohammed Berrada, Nouzha Skalli or Pascal Boniface have already confirmed their presence at the next edition."

Faouzi Skali

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