Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gnaoua music in Fez

There's someting about Gnaoua music that sets your pulse racing and you just have to get up and dance ...

The Gnaoua are a Sufi brotherhood who are partly descended from slaves traded from sub-Saharan Africa, and are mostly found in the south of Morocco. Their original pagan ritual has been overlaid by Islam, and the lyrics incorporate Qu'ranic recitals. Dressed in bright satin robes, the musicians sport conch shell-encrusted hats and play various instruments including the stringed hadjooj and metal castenets.

Last night the spring equinox was celebrated with a Gnaoua concert to shake off the winter djinns. Culture Vultures, the new arts organisation in Fez, co-ordinated the event at Pension Kawtar in the medina, which saw a mix of locals, foreign residents and tourists jigging to the music of one of the most prestigious Fez maalems (masters), Si Mohammed Boujama and his ensemble.


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