Wednesday, March 11, 2009

King Mohammed VI launches new urban hub in Fez.

On Wednesday, King Mohammed VI launched a new urban hub in the province of Moulay Yakoub in the northern city of Fez for a sum amounting to 812 million dirhams (93.8 million dollars).

The urban hub of Ras El Ma, located in the rural commune of Aîn Chkef, will be built on 190 ha, and will include 12,670 units in an industrial zone and a residential area.

Some 50,000 people are expected to benefit from this project, which will draw investments estimated at 3 billion dirhams (347.2 million dollars).

Funding will be provided mostly by the beneficiaries (750 million dirhams/87 million dollars) while the rest is given in the form of state subsidies (62 million dirhams/7.2 million dollars).

Strategically located near the highway and the city's major roads, the urban hub is expected to reinforce infrastructure and preserve the spiritual character of the city of Fez.

It provides for revamping the old medina, upgrading the neighborhoods of Jnanate and the northern zone, and relocating households living in unhealthy run-down buildings.

Slated for 2015, the new urban hub will renovate the urban fabric, promote urban development and create integrated and structured poles.

The project will help eradicate unhealthy housing, provide housing for households with average or low incomes, and create new job opportunities in the industrial sector.

The project falls within the framework of the two agreements signed by the monarch on February 16, which provide for injecting 52 billion dirhams (6 billion dollars) in housing projects for poor and middle-class families.

Under these agreements, some 14 urban centres will be created and 28 housing programs will be carried out in 32 cities and centres in eleven regions of the Kingdom.


1 comment:

  1. These comments are addressed for my King Mohammed VI:-

    Your Majesty, I have been trying to write to you personally but I do not have your e-mail so therefore I hope these comments are able to reach you. I know that you reply to all and your Majesty is always aware of all his subjects and his Majesty's subjects comments.
    Your Majesty, Allah Subhanahu Wataaala said to The Prophet Mohammed (SAW) 'Wamaa Arsalnaaka Illah Rahmatan Lilaalameen', I say to you your Majesty that Allah Subhanahu Wataala said to you, 'Wama Arsalnnaka Illa Rahmatan Lilmaghreb'. From day one you have worked tirelessly to bring Morocco to the modern ages. you have been the architect of Mohammed V Foundation. You have modernised the infrastructure of Morocco and the majority of us are grateful for all the work you have done. May Allah Subhanahu Wataala keep you and All your family in good health and reign over Morocco so as to finish all the works that your Majesty has in plan for the future.
    Your Majesty, I have one request and i am sure that you are aware of it. I am originally fom Morocco and have been living in England for the last 43 years. I was born in the Rif Mountains but been brought up in Tangier. I have been back and forth to Tangier and alhamdulillah, I have taken some investors to invest in Tangier for the last five years. But each time I go I find that they have cut more trees. Your father (May Allah bless him) was always planting trees to make morocco greener but in Tangier's case, the developers are cutting trees every day. Especially in Jebel Kbir and malabata. Also they are raising the buildings even higher and are ruining the view of Tangier. Please your Majesty, have a look into this matter as it is making quite upset of how some of these developers are ruining my beautiful, green, homeland. I am now 63 years of age and would like to see my beautiful country go back to being more green before Allah Subhanahu Waala beckons me.
    May Allah Keep you and your family in good health to see over Morocco always.
    Allah, Alwatan, Almalik!

    Abdellah Ben Allouch Bouskouchi.
