Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sixth International Nomad Festival opens in Morocco

The Nomads Festival is based in the small Moroccan village of M'Hamid El Ghislane some 60 kilometres south of Zagora in the Draa Valley. This, the sixth edition of the festival, features dance, music, exhibitions, conferences and handicraft displays and draws international artists from France, Spain and Brazil.

First held in 2003, the Nomads Festival performances are held at two sites, in the village itself and in a specially set-up nomadic camp in the desert, located about 20km from M'Hamid.

The festival runs through until the 9th of March and details (in French) can be found on their website. Nomad Festival.


1 comment:

  1. well , that's da point ,( i used to live in da nearest town zagora) this festival didn't keep all its promises, as we've been discussing all it's goals n items with friends not far from yesterday again ..
    in da last edition (2008) several points made a total mess , organisation sucks , and guests and musiciens were letf alone with no help , and the masta organizer run hinding from all people whom been asking for some help to eat , or to sleep somewhere , a total fiasco , i defenitly won't be coming next year , .why should one person make a whole mountain of lies to bring people to a no man's land and start a huge media campain based on nothing , profits and money talks ..nomad's have strictly no benefits from this so called cultural action they even give a hand building tents and bringing , renting camels and bring daughters and wives to cook and dance for tourists all this with nothing back , what da hell am i saying , " there's no bloody nomads in this festival who's going to tell people about thier culture ?"
    a sad try to make money on people sadness.

