Saturday, April 18, 2009

Festival of Sufi Culture opens in Fez

Faouzi Skali

The third Fez Festival of Sufi Culture opened this afternoon in Fez, Morocco. The opening was held at the Batha Museum and was a well attended but low key event. It went off without a hitch apart from some unfortunate confusion with press accreditation passes which were being handed out at the door rather then delivered to the journalists before the event.

The Wali of Fez

The event was attended by the Wali of Fez (pictured above left) and a large crowd of patrons from around the world as well as dignitaries from Morocco. Moroccan television crews were present as well as journalists from the UK, USA, Australia and South Africa. The writer and founder of Terre & Humanisme movement, Pierre Rabhi, was warmly welcomed by the organisers and the patrons.

Pierre Rabhi and Rajae Slaoui

The setting under the huge tree in the courtyard of the Batha Museum was perfect as was the improved weather with no rain and very comfortable temperatures.

The opening welcome and address was given by Faouzi Skali with an interesting and challenging address on the themes of this year's festival - the challenge of incorporating spirituality into our lives in the face of global climate change and the financial crisis. Skali sees spirituality not as a refuge from the world's problems but the antidote and solution. His remarks were well recieved by the audience.

Festival Director, Rajae Slaoui.

The first forum ( photograph Gérard Chemit)

Following the introduction there was a forum/roundtable entitled A Soul for Globalization: Preventing the food crisis. Taking part were Nouzha Skalli, Minister of Family Social Development & Solidarity and French senator, Dominique Voynet, who is well known founder of green political and ecological movement, former Minister of Land Management & the Environment in France.

Guests from around the world.

The evening concert, also in the Batha museum garden, was given by Omar Sermini (from Morocco) and Saad Tamsamani (from Syria).

Seen in the crowd, well known South African author, Anne Graaff

The festival continues today with

09h00-12h00 FORUM: A Soul for Globalisation - Round Table 2

The end of capitalism?

Majid Rahnema, writer, former Minister of Science & Higher Education in Iran and professor at the American University of Paris

Hervé de Charette, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Juppé government, writer

Katherine Marshall, professor at Georgetown University, Director of the Forum, world leader faith and development

Mohamed Berrada, former Minister of Finance and Moroccan Ambassador in Paris, professor of economics

16h00-17h00 CONCERT

Abir Nasraoui & Curro Piñana (Tunisia/Spain)

Tribute to Ibn Arabi

21h00-23h00 CONCERT

Abd al Malik (France/Congo)

For the full programme, visit Sufi Festival 2009

Photographs: Sandy McCutcheon (except for forum photo:Gérard Chemit)


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