Thursday, March 11, 2010

Misfitz in Marrakech!

When it comes to writing books, the team at The View from Fez are no slouches. At last count our guys had 22 plays, twelve novels, five non-fiction titles, guide books and one illustrated children's book. There is a reason for there being only one children's book. The thing is that they are incredibly difficult to get right. Those little ankle-biters are fierce critics and quick to dump a book if it does not grab them from the first couple of pages. So it was with great delight that we discovered the Misfitz Mysteries by Josh Lacey. Why? Because not only does he write great kids books, his latest is set in Marrakech!

Josh is a man of few words: "I was born in London. I am the eldest of seven children. I've worked as a journalist. I've also written plays and films. I now write books for both adults and children".

Josh Lacey's latest is Three Diamonds and a Donkey. The four children in the novel are called the Misfitz because "Ben, Harmony, Frank and Kitkat were brothers and sisters, but they shared two mothers (Jennifer and Nina) and two fathers (Jeremy and Robert)."

To complicate matters, when they go on a holiday with Robert in Morocco, he not only has his new, young, blonde, starlet, girlfriend with him, but, to the horror of the children, Robert announces that he and Celia are engaged to get married.

On the very first outing into the souqs of Marrakech Celia has her fabulously expensive engagement ring stolen and a local boy (Tariq) is arrested. Ben and the others think he is innocent and set out to discover the truth. All rollicking good fun. Yes it has an Enid Blyton feel, but, hell, who wouldn't want her royalties?

So next time you're looking for something to entertain the kids, grab a copy of Three Diamonds and a Donkey. You get some peace and quiet and the kids are enriched, and entertained. Actually, why miss out yourself. You could offer to read it out loud!

You can find out more about Josh and his books here: Josh Central

1 comment:

  1. Talking of an Enid Blyton feel, it should be recalled that Enid Blyton her only trip to Africa on Moroccan (Casablanca, to be precise) soil 80 years ago, an aspect she replicated in a couple her books, including her autobiography, The Story Of My Life, The Ship Of Adventure, The Pole Star Family, The Queen Elizabeth Family, The Mystery of The Vanished Prince, etc.
    Stephen Isabirye is the author of The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (,
