Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ahl Touat Brotherhood deliver a superb evening in Fez

Prepartions at Riad Zany

Last night in Fez, The View from Fez hosted a Sufi Night for fifty invited guests. Photographs by Suzanna Clarke.

The piercing praise-songs of the Ahl Touat Brotherhood rang through R'cif as the Brotherhood made their way through the narrow alleys towards Riad Zany. What followed was an amazing night of wonderful music. The Ahl Touat group, led by Driss Abou Sabe el Zerhouni, were joined by Hamadcha leaders Mustapha Khalili and Abderrahim Amrani Marrakchi, Hamid Bouhalal of the Wouled Sihim we el Mokhtar, and Gnaoua maalem (leader) Abdennabi el Meknessi.

There was superb singing from the large crowd of participants at the lila. Among the many Moroccan guests were a group of Australian visitors who were amazed to have been fortunate enough to witness a truly authentic Sufi ceremony.

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