Saturday, April 10, 2010

Moroccan music melange!

Riad Zany in Fez is once again holding one of its famous Sufi Music Nights. Monday the 12th, at 8 pm. This is a free event (although a donation would be appreciated!). Please feel free to bring your Moroccan friends along. There is a limit of fifty people. Please bring a cushion.

Frederic Calmes explains:

The Ahl Touat are a fascinating Sufi brotherhood, with origins lost in the hot sands of the Algerian desert. Their music can be described as somewhere between the Aïssawa, Hamadcha and Gnawa traditions, and they are known for their spectacular dances involving sticks. Wild rhythms, bewitching dances and songs intoxicate the members of the brotherhood and the audience until the trance, called khamar allah, or 'divine inebriation' is attained.

1 comment:

  1. its a shame that i`m gonna miss it ! i wish i was there !
