Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Iranian Kurds at Fez Festival

Shahram Nazeri, his son Hafez and the Rumi Ensemble shone at the Bab al Makina on Tuesday evening.

Shahram Nazeri

Nazeri is renowned across the world for singing the poems of the great Sufi mystics such as Jalal ud Din Rumi, in the Persian musical form known as radif. Radif is the Iranian oral tradition of old songs passed down through generations. The songs are therefore preserved, but each master adds his own interpretation that he transmits to his students. The rhythm of the melodies is particularly important, and is influenced by the meter of the poetry being sung.

Hafez Nazeri

Nazeri's warm voice served the poetry well. He was accompanied by his son Hafez on setar, along with percussion and kamantche. The music was accompanied by the calligraphy of Hassan Massoudy that was projected onto the side screens (and is exhibited at the Batha Museum throughout the Festival). However, it was the music that had the audience captivated.

Sina Jahanabadi

Seen in the crowd was the great Jordi Savall (pictured below) who will appear tomorrow night.

Photographs Sandy McCutcheon - Click on any image to enlarge.

To see all the Fez Festival 2010 stories on The View from Fez, click HERE!

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