Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From Fez - a glimpse of the recent past - Nejjarine 1983

The View from Fez would like to thank Joaquim Caudevilla from Barcelona for sending us this photograph of El-Nejjarine.

(click on image to enlarge)

Joaquim took this photograph in 1983 on slide film, long before the extraordinary fountain was restored. He also took it long before the tourist invasion of recent years. It is hard to imagine how long you would have to wait these days to get a photograph without a tour group filling the frame.

As a comparison, here (thanks to Vanessa Bonnin) is the fountain today

Another feature of this square is the beautifully restored Nejjarine Wood Museum housed in an 18th century funduq (caravanserai). For visitors to Fez, if you stand in front of the fountain, to your right you will discover the carpenters' souq where the amazingly glitzy wedding chairs are made.

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture of 1983. The fondouk I recall at the time was a school. Have the autor some more pictures of the times?
    Congratulations for this photo. It's the same author who also participates in the contest with a photo in which a donkey is "stuck" with its load in the medina?
    Great photo.
