Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Fez man achieves UN award

A young Fez man, Ilyas Bakouch, has been awarded a runner-up prize in the United Nations' Millenium Development Goals' World Summit Youth Awards with his website,

Ilyas Bakouch

It's a simple concept. If you have some clothes or other items that you no longer need, just log into the Donativa website and describe them briefly. Within a short time, an NGO in your area will contact you and collect your unwanted goods to distribute to those who need them.

Donativa shows that helping can be easy using new technologies. Peter A. Bruck, Chairman of the World Summit Award, is amazed by projects like these: “The winner’s combination of creativity and commitment to advance the MDGs in their own ways and communities using technology is fantastic. These young people show how to take concrete steps towards a better world.”

The World Summit Youth Award event will take place from 18-22 September in New York. Winners will be able to showcase their projects to government and business leaders, representatives of civil society and an international community. “We hope that the winners will be inspired by each other as well as by those officials in order to foster their commitment in helping to advance the goals by 2015,” Bruck adds.

The WSYA is meant as both a showcase to the world for young designers, technologists and e-content creators as well as a contribution on a global scale to addressing poverty, protecting the environment, sharing knowledge and empowering young people. It is organised as a follow up activity of the World Summit on Information Society and its action plan towards the year 2015. WSYA is supported by the Knight Foundation and the Internet Society (ISOC).

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