Wednesday, September 08, 2010

13th Fes Festival of the art of Madih and Samaa

While The View from Fez has been assisting in the flood relief in Pakistan, we are once again in debt to Yacout Info for keeping us upto date on the upcoming Madih and Samaa festival. Madih style songs are eulogies to the Prophet Mohamed and in Samaa’ are spiritual poems.

The 13 th edition of the Fez Festival of the art of Madih and Samaa will be held from September 23 to 25 next to Fes, under the theme " The footprints of civilisation in Madih and Samaa".

Through an expanded program drawing on the authenticity of Madih and Samaa, this thirteenth edition attempts to enhance the art of Madih and Samaa and fix it in the minds of generations to come.

Troupes from across Morocco will join those of the Iddrissid city to host to reflect on the art of Madih and Samaa in many zaouias, known for their role in disseminating and development of Sufism in Samaa.

The Zaouias and mausoleums of Moulay Ahmed Skalli, Sidi Kacem Ben Rahmoun Sidi Ali Jmal and others will host the three day festival with performances which will undoubtedly attract fans of this ancient art .

The choice of these Zaouias is dictated by the urban commune of Fez, the initiator of this event, by the constant concern to rehabilitate and safeguard the role of ancient spiritual places of worship.

A booklet was published two years ago tracing the history of these famous zaouias and the different role they have played over the centuries.

Besides the artistic program, this edition provides educational activities and discussions about art and the Samaa and Madih, and a meeting on "panegyrics of the Prophet and expression in Sufi Madih and Samaa", with the participation of many specialists in this field.

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