Friday, October 01, 2010

Help judge the Moroccan Photo Competition !

IMPORTANT ! Judging is now under way in the Moroccan Photography Competition. We have had over two hundred entries out of which we have selected the top photographs and now it is time to choose the winners.

To view all the selected entries please go to The View from Fez Photo Journal.

How the judging works.

There are two sections. The Judges choice and The People's Choice. Our Judges will announce a short list of the top ten but readers can select any three photographs to nominate.

To vote in The People's Choice Award please select your TOP THREE PHOTOGRAPHS IN ORDER OF MERIT, and email the photograph numbers to:

REMEMBER- you MUST vote for three (3) photographs otherwise your vote will not be counted.

Please put the word "VOTE" in the subject line of the email.
We will only accept your top 3 votes from any one email address.
The People's Choice Award will be announced at the same time as the Judges Award.

See all the photographs: There are ten pages of photographs, please view them all before making your choice.

Moroccan Photography Competition List #1
Moroccan Photography Competition List #2
Moroccan Photography Competition List #3
Moroccan Photography Competition List #4
Moroccan Photography Competition List #5
Moroccan Photography Competition List #6
Moroccan Photography Competition List #7
Moroccan Photography Competition List #8
Moroccan Photography Competition List #9
Moroccan Photography Competition List #10

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