Tuesday, October 26, 2010
You have to love an "oops"!
From time to time I have used my commentator and opinion role on the View from Fez to bemoan the orientalist nonsense that gets perpetuated by the mainstream media when it writes about Morocco. However, this time, it is just a chuckle.
The National Review Online's man in Marrakech has started a small "brush fire" as my American friends call it. In his Marrakech Journal he wrote: The Star of David is the symbol of Morocco. It’s woven into everything, including the logo of Royal Air Maroc. For some reason, I have a feeling they don’t call it the Star of David in Morocco.
Naturally, his readers were quick to point out that counting the number of points on a star will assist in naming it. Quite right too.
Then there was this: Finally, want to tell you this: All over the Medina here in Marrakech this morning, I saw the word “Derb” — meaning “Dead End.” I am sure his readers will point out the correct translation at some point. Anyway, on the upside, Jay Nordlinger does bring an, er, fresh perspective. I don't know how long Jay will be amongst us, but let me be among the first to say "Welcome to Morocco, Jay".
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