Monday, January 24, 2011

Self-immolation case in Morocco

Tunisia's first serious social unrest in 23 years was sparked off on December 17, when a jobless youth identified as Muhammad Bouazizi, set himself ablaze in the city of Sidi Bouzid after police confiscated the fruits and vegetables he was selling without a permit. Fears that the Tunisia-style self immolation attempts might spread to other regions is sadly looking to be the case with reports of similar episodes elsewhere in Arab North Africa have been borne out.

In Egypt an unemployed man died from severe burns after setting himself alight on the roof of his house in Alexandria.

In Mauritania, after informing the media, a 42-year-old businessman drenched himself with petrol and set himself alight in his car which was parked outside the Senate.

According to press reports there have been at least 8 more self-immolation attempts in Algeria and Mauritania. And now Maghreb Arabe Presse reports the first case in Morocco.

The incident took place in Casablanca. According to MAP sources, The first case of self-immolation in the country was motivated by inheritance problems. The man is being treated in a hospital, MAP reported, citing a person from the medical profession.

A close relative told the country's official news agency that the deceased had doused himself with gasoline and set himself ablaze in Dar El Beida (Casablanca) after becoming totally disillusioned by his family problems.


  1. That is not the first case of self-immolation in Morocco. In 2005, six unemployed youths set themselves on fire during a sit-in organized by a group of unemployed higher education grads in Rabat.
