Friday, February 11, 2011

Rural school library in Morocco

The US Peace Corps does sterling work in Morocco. In a current project in the village of Aderj some 80km southeast of Sefrou, there's a dormitory for girls attending the local secondary school. The girls come from several rural communes that do not have their own schools. Many of the girls are the first in their family to achieve a secondary education and may be the only one of their siblings attending school.

Peace Corps volunteers in the Sefrou region are currently working to acquire materials and funds for a new library in the school's dormitory, and are looking for sponsors and in-kind donations.

The students are fluent in Arabic and read English and French at beginner levels. Arabic language books are needed in subjects such as geography and travel, nature and the environment, health and hygiene, fiction, art and culture, and how-to books on activities like knitting, cooking, building, art and photography. Language reference books in Arabic, French and English and resources for beginners would also be useful.

Donated books and materials can be new or (gently) used, appropriate for a teenage audience, and sensitive to Moroccan culture and Muslim beliefs. If you can help, please contact PC Volunteer Marian Weidner at

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