Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moroccans Evacuated from Japan

After the devastating 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan, Morocco has acted quickly to repatriate its citizens. The first group was small, just five persons and an infant. They arrived in Casablanca on Saturday.
Two more groups will follow. According to reports from the Mohammed V airport, a group of six will fly in around midday today.

A third, much larger group, expected to be around 89 people, is expected to touch down after midday on Monday.

The Moroccan government continues to monitor the situation through its diplomatic staff in Japan. They have also established two crisis telephone numbers for members of the public concerned about family and friends.

Locally people can call Rabat : 00 212 5 37 72 64 05 or the Embassy in Tokyo : 00 81 354 85 71 71.

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