Thursday, March 17, 2011

Route for Moroccan Cycle Tour

We recently published a story (see here) about the upcoming cycle tour of Morocco. Here is the updated info.
On Friday 25 March, the 132 athletes from 22 teams attending the 24th Tour of Morocco organized by the Moroccan Cycling Federation will run 1554 km through 6 regions. Note that this Tour will help organize humanitarian actions giving 200 bicycles to school children.

Schedule of the Tour :

Step 1 (25 March): El Jadida - Safi (156 km)
Step 2 (26 March): Safi - Essaouira (130 km)
Step 3 (27 March): Essaouira - Agadir (170 km)
Step 4 (28 March): Ouled Berhil - Marrakech (170 km)
Step 5 (29 March): Marrakech - Ouarzazate (190 km)
Step 6 (30 March): Ouarzazate - Tinghir (168 km)
Step 7 (31 March): Imilchil - Béni Mellal (150 km)
Step 8 (1 April): Béni Mellal - Azilal (120 km)
Step 9 (2 April) : Azilal - Khouribga (150 km)
Step 10 (3 April) : Khouribga - Casablanca (140 km)


  1. I found this route, which includes Fes!
    Also any of the important news yet on the teams and if there are any big names competing?

    Stage 1 25/3: El Jadida - Safi, 156km
    Stage 2 26/3: Safi - Essaouira,130km
    Stage 3 27/3: Essaouira - Agadir, 170km
    Stage 4 28/3: Ouled Berrehil - Marrakech, 170km
    Stage 5 29/3: Marrakech - Azilal, 174km
    Stage 6a 30/3: Azilal - Kelaa Sraghna, 110km
    Stage 6b 30/3: Kelaa Sraghna - Beni Mellal, 116km
    Stage 7 31/3: Khénifra - Fès, 164km
    Stage 8 01/4: Fès - Meknès, 120km
    Stage 9 02/4: Meknès - Rabat, 140km
    Stage 10 03/4: Témara - Casablanca, 120km

  2. So this will be running not cycling? The running will go to the benefit of helping to give 200 bicycle away. Great idea!

  3. Haha very funny BgKirk, maybe there will be some cyclo cross stages.

    To MichaelY, this race is on at the same time as the Tour of Catalunya so not likely to be any names.

    Anyone yet know the definitive route? Is this coming to Fez or not?

  4. Sandy, start only 3 days away, anything yet on the route (is it coming to Fes?) and any news on teams and riders
