Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fez Sufi Festival Opening Night Concert

A very large crowd packed the Batha Museum to capacity for the much anticipated opening night of this year's Sufi Festival. The concert was entitled Tribute to the Sufi poets of Andalucia.  The audience numbers were more than even the organisers had anticipated and the only minor glitch of the night was the box office running out of tickets - a problem that was quickly rectified,

Mohammed Rharrabi Wali of Fes-Boulemane chats with Festival Director Faouzi Skalli

On a warm night in the beautiful Batha Museum gardens, the audience was not disappointed. The formalities were soon over and to warm applause the Al Kawthar Ensemble of Granada took to the stage.

Karima Skalli

Their set was appreciated but for many of the Moroccans in the crowd, the night out was about seeing and hearing Karima Skalli (pictured above).  Her arrival on stage was given a typical Fez welcome and she responded with a set that displayed all the vocal qualities she has become so well known for. The Festival was off to a great start,

Having a great night - the leader of the Al Kawthar Ensemble

Coming up on Sunday  at the Batha Museum(17th)

10am  Feminine archetypes according to Emir Abdelkader, with Bariza Khiari and Eric Geoffroy
And God created Khadija, with Soussan Azarin.

4pm  From Hinduism to Islam: the feminine ‘ma’, with katia Legeret and Muhammad Valsan

8.30pm  Qadiriyya Boutchichiyya Brotherhood from Morocco performing at the Batha Museum