Friday, April 22, 2011

Flashback #2 ~ Fez One Hundred Years Ago

April 22 1911 was the date and the people of Fez were on edge because news had reached them that a large number of visitors were expected in the city. And it wasn't tourists, but a large force of French soldiers. However, it was to be sometime before the French arrived as the countryside was hostile and with very few roads.

The route from Rabat to Fez in 1911
Here is how it was reported at the time:

French Ready to March on Fez

French Colonel Brulard heads to Fez
Although the situation still gives rise to some anxiety it does not yet call for European intervention. A considerable French force is waiting at Rabat to proceed to Fez. It will have to pass through the Shawia country, and a great deal depends upon whether it encounters hostility from the tribes before it is enabled to join forces with the Sherarda mehalla. According to the latest news from Fez, adds Reuter, the Consuls are arranging for the departure and safe-conduct of the European woman and children to the coast should their removal become necessary.

OUR EDITOR NOTES: "In the interest of authenticity we reproduced the text exactly. However, we feel that typographic errors are not a modern curse and that in 1911 the journalist responsible probably intended to write "women" not "woman" as we are assured there was more than one of them in Fez at the time!

1 comment:

  1. Colonel Brulard displaying a fine example of the European 'teapot' stance...
