Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Looloo is Live in Fez!

Looloo is Alive !  Well, that's what the poster says. But we decided to make sure it was true and so we met up with the singer over lunch at Fès et Gestes. Yes it is all true, not only live, but performing at a venue we thought was dead and buried. Thankfully the Cinema Astor has shrugged off the dust and is ready to rock. Well, maybe not rock, but you can expect Looloo and the Quintet Definitively Soul to bring out some of the great hits of folks like Aretha Franklin, The Temptations, ... for the oldies and Amy Winehouse, Duffy, ... for the new generation.

The dates: Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd. Concert runs from 9 pm to 10:15 pm with a reasonable price of 80dhs and 40dhs for students and under 18.

Tickets for sale at Café Clock, Fès et Gestes, Fez Cafe, Riad Al Bartal as from now or at the cinema one hour before the concert.

Our congratulations to  Cécile at Fès et Gestes for her initiative!


  1. The same act performed at the French Institute at Batha in recent past times and admission was just 30 dirhams.

  2. Don't be such a whinger! 80dh is a good price for such a wonderful performer. The French Institute concerts are discounted anyway.

  3. Of course it is to be applauded when anyone tries to organise a event such as this, but I think that the original Anonymous raised a fair point. Not many Moroccans will see 80 dirhams for a 75 minute performance as a good price, never mind the fact that it is more than a day's wage for many.
    - Michael N.

    PS the 'Name/URL' button doesn't seem to be working
