Saturday, April 02, 2011

Photographic exhibition: Fez in the 1920s

Back in January, The View from Fez announced an exhibition in Marrakech of photographs of Fez taken by Pierre Dejardins in the 1920s. We lamented the fact then that there were no plans to mount the exhibition in Fez itself, but fortunately it will be held at the French Institute, beginning this week.

The photographer was Gerard Chemit's great-uncle. Gerard tells the tale that the photographs were his first introduction to Morocco and Fez, and were the stuff of romance for him as a young boy. Gerard, of course, went on to become one of the best photographers in Fez.

Dejardins photographed the personalities of the era such as General Lyautey, the Sultan Moulay Youssef and Abd el Karim el Kettabi, as well as everyday scenes in the medina.

The exhibition opens at 18h30 on Wednesday 6 April at the French Institute in the Ville Nouvelle, and all are welcome. It runs for the whole of April, before moving on to Oujda.

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