Saturday, May 14, 2011


Spiritual fusion by Paul Biehn

This year the Fes Festival will host a wide range of exhibitions across the city - more than in previous years. While late afternoons and evenings are crammed with concerts, these exhibitions can be visited earlier in the day. The shows have been curated by Hakima Lebbar of the Fan-Dok Gallery.

The wisdom of proverbs at the Batha Museum

A collective exhibition by 22 mixed-media artists with an anti-corruption theme, based on a work on Moroccan proverbs in Darija and Berber, featuring:
Abderrahim Iqbi, Karim Attar, Abdelaziz Zerrou, Faouzi Laatiris, Hamid Bouhioui, Batoul Shimi, Mohamed Nabili, Drissia Aouididden, Lahcen Fikri, Salim Mouline, Omar Mahfoudi, Abdellatif Ilkem, Mustapha Meskine, Smail Bourqaiba ,Mohamed El Baz, Karim Alaoui, Chérifa, Mohamed Qarmad, Abdelaziz Lkhattaf, Abdellatif Belaziz, Noureddine Chater, Myriem Claude Benabdeljlil.

Elusive encounters: a photographic exhibition by Jamal Benabdeslam and Mustapha Meskine, at the Batha Museum

Award-winning Meskine’s photographs are printed on photographic paper and limited to a series of 10, all of which are numbered and signed. Jamal Benabdesalam works only in black and white, printing on paper using the gelatine silver process.

Hymn to Nature: two Fassi artists, Cheikh Zidor and Youssef Titou at Dar Tazi

Cheikh Zidor provides a sensitive universe with chromatic nuances inspired by poetry and meditation. Youssef Titou presents interior landscapes.

Of Roots and Signs by Nabili at Bab al Makina

Mohamed Nabili works with symbolism.

Interior – Exterior by Sonia Ouajjou at Dar el Mokri

Sonia Ouajjou's painting is narrative and in the naïf style (like a children’s drawing), except that it could not be taken for that because of the attention to detail and the colours in the work.
This exhibition represents the universe, essentially feminine, found in day-to-day traditional Moroccan life, erasing the walls that separate the interior from the exterior.

The Disciple’s Path at the Jnan Palace Hotel: exhibition of works by five photographers

Airi Futakuchi Japan, Omar Chennafi Morocco, Robert Harrison USA, Syed Salman Chishty India, Abdou Douiri Morocco. Five young, talented photographers, each on their own journey, have captured images of disciples travelling towards their pilgrimage sites. Each of these is in a different country: Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Indonesia, India, Spain and France. Such distance and yet such astounding closeness!

Not Very Wise: photographic exhibition by Paul Biehn at Le Jardin des Biehn

A young French photographer, Paul Biehn has been living in Fez for three years.
He photographs materials, places, faces, people, skin … and mixes them in a creative and sensitive way. His work leads him to concentrate on the dialogue between the different subjects and to create improbable and timeless encounters, all of them in Fez.

Infinite Care by Mohammed Mansouri Idrissi at the Entend’art Gallery

A choreography of colours that sing with delight of man and his relationship to nature.

Art and Plaster by Abdelfettah Seffar at Riad Alkantara

Abdelfettah Seffar is an artist in plaster. He has developed and enriched the art with his sensitivity, his research and his knowledge of Islamic art, combining it with creativity and ability. He works directly on the walls of his home and on panels designed as pictures and models.

Guided visits each day from 11h00 to noon for groups of up to 15 people. To book, phone Riad Alkantara on 05 35 74 02 92.

Memories of Morocco with Mohamed Krich and Abdelhay Demnati at the Orientalist Gallery

Mohamed Krich has always been interested in figurative art. He has developed techniques based on pigments and binding them to create a touch of the impressionist in his work, which is easily recognisable.

Abdelhay Demnati is a self-taught painter. He is a talented miniaturist who constantly works on traditional scenes depicted within the ancient architecture of Fez.

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